


CDB Advance Roof Solar


% Reduction in Carbon Footprint


Smart Computer Labs

எங்கள் வணிக உத்தி

இவை QTAB இலக்கை நோக்கிச் செல்வதற்கான உந்து சக்திகள் என்று CDB உறுதியாக நம்புகிறது. CDB இந்தப் பாதையில் முன்னேறும்போது, ​​2030 ஆம் ஆண்டுக்குள் நிகர பூஜ்ஜிய நிலையை நோக்கிச் செல்லும் அதே வேளையில், சமூகப் பாதிப்பை ஏற்படுத்தும் அமைப்பாகத் தொடர CDB உத்தேசித்துள்ளது. இந்த உத்தியானது சாதாரண மக்கள் மூலம் அசாதாரணமான முடிவுகளை நம்பி, அணிக்கு கணிசமான முக்கியத்துவம் அளிக்கிறது.

Tech disruption pillar – a vital partner in the sustainability journey

Our tech-driven strategy has revolutionised CDB’s operational capacity without the need for physical expansion, creating a resource-efficient organization. Over the past five years, CDB has abstained from opening a single new branch but has effectively more than doubled capacity through virtual expansion. This tech-centric approach has been instrumental in reaching the most remote, rural, and base of the pyramid market segments, becoming a net lender to the rural economy and promoting financial inclusion.

We are at the forefront of adopting cutting-edge technologies, including API capabilities, BOTs, RPA, ERP, OCR/ICR, and the initial stages of ML and AI. Utilising advanced technology has radically enhanced our speed of service and customer convenience, ensuring our presence is seamless and unobtrusive. Automated credit decisions and paperless processes have become integral aspects of CDB operations, extending from the back office to the frontline and our business is increasingly becoming invisible.

Sustaining the efforts towards a platform-oriented mindset and a crowdsourcing strategy is the www.patpat.lk platform, designed to transform services into a novel client experience. These initiatives are on a continuous improvement trajectory, in addition to optimising our operations and reducing carbon emissions. It aligns perfectly with CDB’s Net Zero aspirations, where technology plays a pivotal role as an enabling pillar.

எங்கள் நிலைத்தன்மை நிகழ்ச்சி நிரல்

எங்களின் விரிவான நிலைத்தன்மை அணுகுமுறை, 'சிடிபி அட்வான்ஸ்', எங்கள் வணிக உத்தியின் மையத்தில் உள்ளது. பதினேழு ஐக்கிய நாடுகளின் நிலையான வளர்ச்சி இலக்குகளில் (UNSDGs) ஏழு மீது கவனம் செலுத்தி, CDB முன்னேற்றம் எட்டு செங்குத்துகள் மூலம் செயல்படுத்தப்படுகிறது, இது பசுமையான பொருளாதாரம் மற்றும் நெட் ஜீரோ மற்றும் சமூக உணர்வின் தூண்களின் கீழ் செயல்படும் ஒரு உள்ளடக்கிய சமூகத்தை நோக்கி முன்னேறுகிறது.

மேலும், அர்த்தமுள்ள மற்றும் நீடித்த நிலையான மாற்றத்தை உந்துவதற்கு எங்கள் உள் குழுக்களை மாற்றுவதற்கும், வெளிப்புற பங்குதாரர்களுக்கு மதிப்பு சேர்ப்பதற்கும் நாங்கள் கடமைப்பட்டுள்ளோம். நிகர ஜீரோ உமிழ்வை நோக்கிய உந்துதலை விரைவுபடுத்த, அதிக டி-கார்பனைசேஷனுக்கான நிலையான நிதி தீர்வுகளை நாங்கள் தீவிரமாக ஊக்குவிக்கிறோம்.

எங்கள் வணிக உத்தியானது 'சாதாரண மக்கள் மூலம் அசாதாரண முடிவுகள்' மற்றும் 'மக்கள் மீது உத்தி பந்தயம்' வலியுறுத்துகிறது. விரிவான பயிற்சி மற்றும் மேம்பாட்டு திட்டங்கள். எங்கள் வணிக உத்தி மற்றும் நிலைப்புத்தன்மை இலக்குகளை அடைவதற்கான ஒரு முக்கிய பகுதி கவனத்துடன் மற்றும் ஈடுபாடு கொண்ட குழு என்று நாங்கள் உறுதியாக நம்புகிறோம்.

ஐ.நா. நிலையான வளர்ச்சி இலக்குகளுக்கு பங்களிப்பு

Net Zero

At our core, we are dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint and reaching net-zero status. In the past, we relied on purchasing carbon credits to offset our emissions, but now we’re taking a more proactive approach. Our agenda places a strong emphasis on key areas like accelerating sustainable mobility solutions and household renewable energy solutions, and conservation and biodiversity. As part of our commitment, we are actively working to earn carbon credits through our own initiatives to propel our journey towards achieving Net Zero.

Carbon Footprint Journey


In 2015, we began the journey of calculating our carbon footprint, and by 2015/16, had achieved a significant milestone in becoming the first ISO 14064-1 carbon verified financial institution in South Asia, recognized by Sri Lanka Carbon Fund.

Carbon Footprint for 2022/23:

Our total carbon emissions for FY 2022/23 were 2,434 tCO2e – indirect emissions accounted for 81.85%, while direct emissions comprised 18.15%.

Our Measures to Reduce the Carbon Footprint

Energy Management
  • Converting branches to solar-backed locations
  • Setting energy efficiency standards, adopting cost-effective technologies
  • using efficient lighting and electrical appliances
  • Promoting employee awareness regarding energy conservation and enhancing energy efficiency in their households
Water Management
  • Improving water performance, by promoting reuse through a rainwater harvesting system
  • Creating awareness of water conservation among team members
Waste Management
  • Building awareness on zero food waste among team members
  • Recycling measures for Paper and E-waste
  • Commitment towards CDB single-use plastic-free pledge

Accelerate Sustainable Mobility Solutions

Aligned to Sri Lanka’s commitment to the Paris Agreement, CDB, as a responsible corporate citizen, has been exploring ways to accelerate sustainable mobility solutions in the country. Accordingly, CDB has undertaken significant initiatives to advance the green economy by promoting a comprehensive ecosystem for EVs where CDB signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with CodeGen.

e-Shift is a joint initiative between CDB and its technology partner, VEGA innovations committed in creating a sustainable future for all Sri Lankans. This project is designed with the focus on accelerating sustainable mobility solutions aiming to shift the transport sector, which is heavily dependent on fossil fuel into electric-powered vehicles.

The e-Shift ecosystem will look at e-Shift Concept Centre which will serve as an educational pit stop for anyone keen to learn more about sustainable mobility and how they can make the shift, easily and economically. Further, the project intends to expand E-charging stations in key areas in the country for any vehicle powered by electricity to conveniently recharge their vehicles and also the conversion of three-wheelers into electric-powered vehicles where over 1.5 million three-wheelers are operating at present in Sri Lanka.

Accelerate Household Renewable Energy Solutions

CDB is introducing ‘CDB Advance Roof Solar’, as a significant step towards a more sustainable future for all. The comprehensive solution is inclusive of the latest solar technology and superior aftercare, conveniently backed with flexible financing. The aim is to incentivize the adoption of sustainable practices, making it easier and more accessible for individuals and businesses to switch to a cleaner and more environmentally friendly energy source. During the first year of launching, we were able to approve 105 CDB Advance Roof Solar facilities and achieve approximately 600 kW of capacity.

“LIFE” Project:

“LIFE” Project:

CDB is proud to be part of a unique public-private collaboration aimed at restoring ten hectares of degraded land in Halgahawala, Opatha, located adjacent to the magnificent Kanneliya rainforest. This initiative is in partnership with Biodiversity Sri Lanka, the Forest Department, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Sri Lanka, along with ten other like-minded corporate partners.

The project aims to protect the rich biodiversity of the area and create a system that can measure and reward conservation efforts. The project’s credit accrual system plans to meet international standards and enable owners of biodiversity conservation projects to generate non-carbon credits that can be accrued over time.


Biodiversity Sri Lanka launched the “Life to our Mangroves” project on February 08th partnering Citizens Development Business Finance PLC to conserve mangroves in the Anawilundawa Sanctuary. The project will enhance the resilience and renewal of the mangrove eco- system, while generating socio-economic development in the surrounding communities.

The Sanctuary, one of Sri Lanka’s six RAMSAR wetlands spans 1,397 hectares and encompasses forest wetlands, including mangroves, coastal saltwater eco-systems and freshwater lakes housing numerous endangered species of fish, amphibians, mammals, reptiles and birds.

Life to Our Beaches:

The project marks a significant partnership between the public and private sectors and the local community, with a dual purpose of preserving Sri Lanka’s precious coastal environment and supporting underprivileged communities in the area.

CDB, in partnership with Bio-diversity Sri Lanka (BSL), Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA), and the Department of Samurdhi Development (DoSD), aims to support the preservation and conservationk of the Modara-Polwatta beach stretch over the course of one year.

“Ittapana Mangrove Conservation” Project:

The Ittapana mangrove conservation project is a crucial initiative focused on conserving a threatened 10-acre landscape of the Ittapana – Horawala mangrove forest. CDB is collaborating with the Centre for Sustainability at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura to safeguard the mangrove ecosystem. The project aims to inspire to inspire and guide similar conservation efforts as a demonstrative model for sustainable mangrove management in Sri Lanka. As the first phase of the project, a state-of-the-art Mangrove Resource Center titled the ‘Dr Suren Batagoda Center for Mangrove Conservation and Climate Resilience’ was declared open.

Engage Mindful Team Members

Our CDB Advance internalization strategy plays a vital role in fostering a deep understanding of the triple bottom line concepts and the principles of the green economy among our employees. Through this strategy, we aim to create a strong sense of awareness and engagement among team members, encouraging them to embrace sustainable practices. We have initiated the ‘CDB Advance Green Club’ which consist of members representing each branch and division to champion the message of sustainability and the triple bottom line throughout the company.

CDB Advance Green Challengek

The ‘CDB Advance Green Challenge’ is an exciting initiative designed to educate and engage our team members on the principles of the triple bottom line of sustainability. The challenge comprises three segments: a Quiz, a Debate, and a series of short films with each segment delivering the message of sustainability to team in an engaging and interactive manner. This flagship project concluded recently with over 400 team members from both the branch network and head office actively participating.

Home Gardening

In efforts to promote sustainable practices and responsible consumption, we launched the ‘Seed Your Future’ project. As part of this initiative, we distributed 100% biodegradable seed pods to all our team members during the lockdown period inspiring a home gardening competition.

Through this project we encouraged team members to actively engage with the environment by growing their own organic food, participate in sustainable gardening which not only benefited their well-being through organic food consumption but also contributed towards environmental conservation.

Beach Cleanup

As a part of our ‘Life to Our Beaches’ project, we organized a beach cleanup to commemorate International Coastal Cleanup Day, which took place on the 17th of September 2022. The main aim was to raise awareness and address marine pollution and its detrimental effects on marine and human life, caused by the irresponsible disposal of plastic waste and other non-biodegradable materials.

Green Family Event

The CDB Advance Green Club initiated the ‘CDB Green Family Concept’, to foster a stronger connection between our staff members, their families, and children with nature, enabling everyone to bond over sustainable practices and appreciating the beauty of nature.

The inaugural event was held at the Diyasaru Park,Thalawathugoda and the second program was conducted at the One Earth Urban Arboretum where team members and their families were engaged in nature walks, walks through butterfly gardens, ecological awareness sessions, a visit to the arboretum and several nature-related activities.

Bike to Work

In a situation where Sri Lanka was battling against a worsening economic crisis which led to fuel scarcity, CDB launched the “Bike to Work” project with the purpose of promoting and encouraging our team members towards a more eco-friendly, healthy and economical mode of transportation amidst the fuel crisis experiencing within the country. Accordingly, the official launch the Bike to Work initiative was successfully held at the Head Office premises followed by an awareness session. Further, a Biker’s Club named “Ninja Cruisers” was established with the aim of engaging our team members and enhancing awareness and promoting the importance and benefits of cycling among our team members. Accordingly, CDB’s first ever Ninja Cruisers – Cycle Parade was organized promoting the Bike to Work initiative.

Active Ninja – Fight for Fit

Active Ninja – Fight for Fit is a team member health screening program, which was launched with the focus of promoting good physical health among our team members which would help to reduce their risk of chronic diseases, improve work life balance, and enhance mental health and self-esteem. Accordingly, seminars were conducted improving the knowledge of our team members on health and well-being and also a health corner was established at all the branches and the head office, facilitating our employees to keep track on their BMI.

Self-sufficient Branches

This projects aims to convert our existing branches into Self-sufficient branches that are energy and resource efficient as well as drive a sense of affinity towards the environment in our team members through education and engagement and an eco-friendly ambiance. Beyond installing roof solar, we intend to inculcate a sustainable mindset among our team members through this project. Further, embracing this self-sufficient branches concept we mainly focus on creating awareness not only among our team members but also among our clients and community about the prevailing problem and how to be a part of the solution.

Paper and E-waste Recycling

At CDB, all the paper waste generated will be sent for recycling with the aim of promoting a circular economy and maximum use of resources without ending them at landfills. We have extended the paper recycling measures to our branch network as well initially targeting the branches located in the Western Province. Further, we are also engaged in proper disposal and recycling of E-waste, where all the collected E-waste will be sent for recycling biannually. Accordingly, savings from paper and e-waste recycling are as follows;

8,482 kg
of wood preserved
14,485 kWh
of energy saved
gallons of water conserved
726 kg
GHG reduced
5,213 kg
of landfill avoided

Socially Conscious

Financial Inclusion

Our business model uniquely blends urban funding and rural lending woven with sustainable practices. By incorporating our net lending position to the rural economy, we proudly stand as a compassionate and strong leader in the financial services industry, positively impacting the lives of the of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities residing in rural areas.

Promoting Child Health and Well-being

Our business model uniquely blends urban funding and rural lending woven with sustainable practices. By incorporating our net lending position to the rural economy, we proudly stand as a compassionate and strong leader in the financial services industry, positively impacting the lives of the of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities residing in rural areas.

Autism Trust Fund

Based on 2009 statistics, it has been revealed that one out of 93 children born in Sri Lanka were diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Marking its 20th anniversary, CDB together with SLACD launched the “Act Early for Autism” project in 2015 with the focus of raising awareness about ASD, facilitating early detection, and ensuring timely intervention. Accordingly, the Autism Trust Fund was mooted as a result of this collaboration. All CDB’s efforts towards raising awareness through mass media campaigns, outreach programs and establishing intervention centres are facilitated via this trust fund.

Elevating child education and literacy

Sisu Diri Scholarship Programme

At CDB, we strive to foster an equitable society by actively supporting the human capital development needs of Sri Lanka. We firmly believe that providing access to quality education is a fundamental right of every child and holds the key to addressing numerous economic and social challenges faced by our nation. Uplifting children’s education, we are proud to have sustained the CDB Sisu Diri Scholarship Program for the past 14 years.

The CDB Sisu Diri Scholarship Program aims to recognize and support exceptional students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievements in the Grade 5 Scholarship and GCE Ordinary Level Examinations. The program awarded 150 deserving students with scholarships this year: Grade 5 Scholarship recipients receiving a total scholarship of Rs 62,500 over a span of 5 years, and GCE Ordinary Level students receiving a total scholarship of Rs 35,000 over 2 years.

Since its launch in 2008, the program has empowered over 800 students to pursue their educational aspirations.

CDB Smart Computer Lab Project

We are committed to empowering Sri Lanka’s youth by equipping them with essential skills and competencies needed to become influential global citizens. To achieve this goal, we have implemented the ‘Smart Computer Lab’ project, providing access to state-of-the-art IT facilities across the island. Through this initiative, we endeavor to create a brighter future for the youth, enabling them to thrive, harness opportunities and contribute to a dynamic and tech-savvy society. To date, CDB has donated 14 Smart Computer Labs to disadvantaged schools in remote areas.

In 2020, to commemorate CDB’s 25th anniversary, the company pledged to donate 20 Smart Computer Labs to underprivileged schools nationwide. In 2022, as the second phase of our commitment to providing 20 Smart Computer Labs, two state-of-the-art smart computer labs were completed and presented to Atabage Udugama Maha Vidyalaya and Kuruwitenna Maha Vidyalaya, located in the Central and Uva provinces respectively.

Team member volunteerism

We encourage team members to be actively involved in community projects, fostering a spirit of volunteerism and empathy towards those in need. Through our CDB Hithawathkam program, we promote community development and deploy social sustainability representatives across the island.

Empowering entrepreneurship

Our ‘CDB SMB Friday’ initiative is dedicated to promoting and supporting small and medium scale businesses (SMBs). We feature these entrepreneurs on our corporate website, social media platforms and digital marketplace via the ‘patpat’ marketplace, which draws an average of 35,000 views per video. The SMBs gain increased visibility and exposure for their products and services.

Building on the success of the initial phase, we have launched CDB SMB Friday 2.0. We aim to focus on supporting entrepreneurs, especially those outside the Western Province, by providing them a digital boost in visibility through social media promotions as well as the patpat marketplace.

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs

Grounded in our firm belief in the pivotal role of women in fostering inclusive economic growth, achieving gender equality, and eradicating poverty in Sri Lanka, we actively support and empower women through our core business of providing financial services. Beyond mere financial transactions, our recent inaugural capacity-building session, in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), underscores our holistic approach to empowerment. Covering essential topics such as Financial Management and Digital Business Promotion, the session aimed to equip women with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship successfully.

Beyond a traditional workshop, the event facilitated networking, fostering a supportive community where women shared experiences and forged connections. As we celebrate this success, CDB remains committed to providing ongoing support, resources, and opportunities for women entrepreneurs.